LG Collapsed in WDFCC Project - CTP 16 Disclaimer: This post intension is showcase the Engineering Lessons we can learn from these kind of Incidents, so that the same incident does not gets repeated in our society, Its does not have any intension to devalue the LG Manufacturer, Contractor. or the Concern Project. Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) corporation run by the Government of India's Ministry of Railways to undertake planning, development, and mobilization of financial resources and construction, maintenance and operation of the "Dedicated Freight Corridors" (DFC). WDFCC CTP -16 was one of the stretch in which the incident happened. Portal Piers where used as Sub structure & Portal Beams where used for connecting the twin piers. 4 Girder System was used as Super Structure with full span erection methodology. ...